Deep Rest Workshop

“I know you’re tired but come, this is the way”. Rumi

Insurmountable pressures take a toll on already busy lives leaving us feeling over wired and exhausted.

Doing less, slowing down and hearing the whispers of the inner wisdom of the body helps us to unwind and be in touch with the moment.

If you feel wrung out, are sleep deprived, pregnant, in the menopausal stages or studying and need rest, these workshops aim to revive lost energy to make you feel more balanced, clear and calm. 

With warming gentle movements, light breath practice, grounding supported poses and ending with a guided relaxation, you’ll retune to find your way back.

I’ll guide you through a practice suitable for everyone. Props such as blankets, bolsters, belts, blocks are used to heighten the experience for feeling more settled and revived


Symptoms of Stress

Do I really need to state this?

Physical, emotional and behavioural issues can develop. Being multi-dimensional beings, our gross and subtle bodies, or the layers the yogi’s call ‘kosha’s’ can cause minor to major aggravations such as aches, pains, headaches, exhaustion, trouble sleeping, high blood pressure, muscle tension, digestive issues, anger, frustration, anxiety, feeling totally overwhelmed… the list goes on.

Thank you for the most perfect class. My tummy has been very grumpy but it feels so much better and the most comfortable it’s been for months.
— AW. Dec 2020

The Importance of rest

Remember the feeling we have on day three of our holiday?

Calm, content, chilled, connected and at ease in the moment. This is what the yogi’s say is our natural state of being. Being happy.

Here I am taking the opportunity whenever and wherever I can to seize practising my craft! My version of restorative bridge pose.

Most of the time, we’re ‘upregulated’ i.e. our sympathetic nervous system is continuously on. When we start to slow down the cogs and pause we’re taking care of ourselves to unwind chronic and acute tension.

Practising deep rest and being guided into a relaxation means physiological changes occur such as heart rate slowing down as breathing becomes deeper and fuller.

By resting we can pay attention, to everything going on with us. We notice, feel and recognise that we need to make a change. This awareness in slowing down, helps us to reign in the doing and just be.

Physical, mental and emotional tensions release as layers peel back to leave a feeling of being settled, soothed and in shanti/peace.

Workshop Details

Currently in planning… but do email me to keep in touch.

Earthlife Kew. Limited to 8.

bhuti, Richmond. Limited to 12.

Prices: £35-40 pp per workshop depending on duration.

Location: Earthlife, 2 Arches, Kew Bridge, TW9 3AW. 0208 940 0888

What to bring: journal & pen, warmth in layered clothing, socks, blankets x 2, shawl or light soft scarf.