Private Yoga Classes

An individualised session to nurture and support your own needs.

Whether you’re convalescing from an injury, illness, wish to have a more suited practice for the stage in your life, I will develop a personal class to suit you whilst taking into account your ayurvedic dosha/personal constitution.

Sessions also available with a partner, your family at home or online.

Prices: Initial 15 min Consultation Free

30 min Consultation £30

60 minute class within the TW9 area £75 for an individual.

Do contact me for prices for couples, family, corporate sessions.



At your home or in your garden to suit your time, wants and needs.

Personal attention, adjustments and a programme to help you alleviate stress, strengthen, tone, relax with mindful movement and guided meditations.

Yoga works all the systems of the body; the circulatory, muscular skeletal, digestive, nervous system and respiratory to bring balance, wellbeing and santosha, contentment where you are right now.

Gorgeous practice as always. So nourishing. Thank you.
— JP Sept '20

Why yoga is timeless

We’re each on a journey. We grow and experience life and our needs develop and change. Each season and stage of our life brings it’s own fruit with life throwing curve balls along the way.

Yoga helps us to navigate us on our path to realign and helps us to step back into what the yogi’s call our ‘ananda’ our blissful state or today it can be known as presence, essence, spirit or awareness.

Our spirits are unchanging and ever present.

To practise yoga is to unite our mind, body and breath to be with truth and inner wisdom.

Sona introduced us to yoga which we absolutely loved. She was hugely encouraging and is a warm, inspiring teacher who made every lesson fun.
— VR Sept 2019

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